SVKP Spiritual Centre


Synopsis: By chanting Vedic Mantras in a specified manner, one can experience/get, peace, health and happiness, performing in a group on special occasions is more beneficial in experiencing the Divine vibration.

As the Indian festivals are approaching, let's take this opportunity to learn the reason/meaning behind every Mantra that could be used to perform any Goddess Vratham.

This free workshop includes:

    Pre Pooja preparation
  • Meaning of Mantras
  • Techniques for chanting Mantras following the principles of Pranayama.
  • Reciting Arathi songs
  • Pooja Postures
Note: Please download from this link and bring Devi Pooja Vidhihi book of your preferred language
Link to Materials

This event is recommended for 10 years or above
Please RSVP or send enquires:
Conducted By: Gayathri Gupta